Government of the Society
a) The Society shall be governed day to day by a Committee comprising seven Officers. The Committee shall run the Society in a manner consistent with these Rules; with any resolutions passed at General Meetings; and with its own resolutions.
b) It is a requirement that Committee members give permission for their contact details to be published for the benefit of members, and also to be passed to the Football Club if the Society should become an Official Supporters’ Club.
c) The Officers shall be the Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Property Secretary, Treasurer and Newsletter Editor. The Chair and Deputy Chair may, as they wish, adopt any similar title, e.g. “Chairman”, “Chairwoman”.
d) The Committee shall be responsible for the proper, efficient and lawful running of the Society. The Society shall indemnify the Committee and its members acting properly while running the Society against any personal liability incurred in the proper running of the Society (but only to the extent of the Society’s financial and realisable assets according to Rule 9c).
e) The Chair shall preside at all meetings, and shall ensure their proper and impartial conduct. He/she shall provide leadership to the Society.
f) The Deputy Chair shall advise and assist the Chair and shall act as Chair in his/her absence. He/she shall maintain the records of members’ and non-members’ collections, and may reveal unrestricted information contained therein at his/her discretion.
g) The Secretary shall be responsible for seeing that the Rules of the Society are observed, and shall record minutes of meetings. He/she shall be responsible for general correspondence and shall keep copies.
h) The Membership Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining membership records, issuing membership cards, collecting subscriptions and for related correspondence. He/she shall provide a membership report at meetings.
i) The Property Secretary shall be responsible for the Society’s property and related correspondence. He/she shall keep accurate records of property and its whereabouts.
j) The Treasurer shall be responsible for the Society’s funds and related correspondence, and shall provide a statement at meetings. He/she shall keep accurate records of all transactions.
k) The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for the preparation and despatch of the Society’s newsletter, and for related correspondence.
l) Only the Chair, Deputy Chair or Secretary may make statements, give interviews, write articles, speak or correspond generally on behalf of the Society, except for those members who are required to do so in pursuit of their delegated duties.
m) The Committee shall meet as and when necessary, or at the request of three Committee members to the Secretary. The Secretary shall do his/her best to inform all Committee members of the time, date, venue and business of any Committee meeting as far in advance as practically possible, and shall advise them of any special business to be discussed. The Secretary shall send minutes of Committee meetings to all Committee members as soon as practicable. Four Committee members shall form a quorum.
n) The Chair, Deputy Chair or Secretary may act for the Committee in an emergency or other matter of extreme urgency, but must inform other Officers of their actions as soon as practicable, and must inform the Committee at its next meeting.
o) All Committee members shall retire at the Annual General Meeting. Candidates must have been members of the Society for at least one year, and must declare their intention in writing to the Secretary by 7th April. Elections of officers shall be by a series of ballots which eliminate the person with the fewest votes on each occasion.
p) A vacancy for Chair shall be filled by the Deputy Chair or by an election at an Extraordinary General Meeting, as determined by the Committee. A vacancy for Deputy Chair or Secretary shall be filled by one of the elected Committee members or by an election at an Extraordinary General Meeting, as determined by the Committee. The Committee may co-opt other members of the Society to fill other vacancies. In the absence of an Officer from a meeting another Committee member may perform his/her role. Any Committee member who fails to attend three consecutive Committee meetings without adequate reason shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee.
q) Any member of the Society, or any other person invited by the Committee, may attend and speak at a Committee meeting but he/she shall not vote. Only matters deemed to be of the utmost sensitivity by the Chair may be discussed in secret.
r) The Committee may, as it sees fit, delegate duties to any member of the Society and form sub-committees including any member of the Society. Sub-committees shall keep minutes and report to the Committee.
s) The Committee shall approve and publish a Privacy Policy to govern the Society’s use of personal data.