The Albion Chronicle

Our magazine carries many articles appealing to those with an interest in Albion history, Albion collecting, Albion statistics — Albion heritage.

Produced in full colour and usually running to around 72 pages, The Albion Chronicle has reached issue no.79. (The first 45 editions were just known as the Newsletter.) You can see the front cover of each issue and get an idea of the contents here.

The latest edition, no.79

Each issue has reports on Society activities, comment from the editor and chairman, detailed obituaries of Albion figures who have recently passed away, and a statistical analysis of relevant or otherwise interesting Albion data. There are usually articles of historical research, Albion collectibles, book and programme reviews, historic newspaper and magazine articles, etc.

Members are also encouraged to contribute articles on their favourite Albion subjects. If you have a potential article in you, let us know.

The Albion Chronicle is sent free of charge to all members. We do have spare copies of many back-issues, and new members are normally given a number of these when they join the Society.

The Albion Chronicle: the “glue” that binds the Society together.

Please note that compilation and publication of the highly-regarded Albion Chronicle, which is produced entirely through the efforts of volunteers, is a very time-consuming task. Often it has not proved possible to produce four issues a year – usually because of the amount of work being put into other necessary projects by chairman Tim Carder (who also carries out duties for the Albion as Club Historian) – but four issues a year remains the target.